Photos by Joel Zolondek
The JCRC was proud to partner on the event “A Celebration of Spirit,” which took place on Sunday June 30 at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in front of nearly 500 people. The “A Celebration of Spirit” concert and program was created in partnership by the Arizona Jewish Historical Society, Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, the Jewish Community Foundation, and the Arizona Commission on the Arts, among other partners.
The concert showcased Jewish and African-American spiritual music, and featured the Jewish cantorial soloists Todd Herzog of Temple Solel and Emily Kaye of Temple Kol Ami and the Pilgrim Rest Gospel Choir.
Meanwhile, Rabbi Emily Langowitz of Temple Solel and Pastor Terry Mackey of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church gave stirring sermons that addressed the week’s parsha from different communal and faith vantages.
The event was recognized by Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, who sent a letter of commendation for the program.