JCRC in the press

JCRC in the press

JCRC Board Chair Alan Zeichick, and JCRC Secretary Rabbi Bonnie Sharfman, are quoted in this AZ Republic article about the anniversary of the October 7th attack on Israel. JCRC Board Chair also was recently quoted in the AZ Republic on AZ State Sen Wendy Rogers...

JCRC statement on politicization of Holocaust education

JCRC statement on politicization of Holocaust education

We have been made aware of political street signs implying AZ State Senator Christine Marsh is against Holocaust education by concerned members of the Jewish community. In reality, Senator Marsh voted against a single flawed bill HB2779 that was not supported by...

JCRC quoted in Kelly veepstakes

JCRC quoted in Kelly veepstakes

"Paul Rockower, the executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix, called Kelly “a strong friend of the Jewish community of Arizona as we have faced rising antisemitism.” " The JCRC was quoted in multiple articles on the possibility...

Joint JCRC-ADL Statement condemning “Lynch” remarks

Joint JCRC-ADL Statement condemning “Lynch” remarks

In response to Maricopa County Republican Committee co-Chair Shelby Busch's threatening, antisemitic remarks aimed at Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, the JCRC and ADL Desert issued a joint statement of condemnation:   The statement was included in...

Phoenix JCRC praised for uniting diverse communities on security

Phoenix JCRC praised for uniting diverse communities on security

“It’s the power of our experiences fighting antisemitism to be able to strengthen the community as a whole so that nobody is experiencing extremism on their own,” [Rockower] said. “We see this as our ability to be a light unto the nations.” Jewish Federations of North...

JCRC Opposition to HCR2060

JCRC Opposition to HCR2060

The Jewish Community Relations Council opposes HCR2060 as a misguided, politically-charged state measure to manage a federal issue to enforce immigration laws. Furthermore, it echoes past xenophobic laws that hurt our state. Don't play political games with immigration...

Hanukkah press

Hanukkah press

"Paul Rockower, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix, said the Phoenix group had not encountered any resistance and was prepared to celebrate Hanukkah “publicly and joyously.” 'There are certainly folks taking extra...

Welcoming new Associate Director

Welcoming new Associate Director

The JCRC is pleased to announce the recent addition of Amanda Garcia as the new Associate Director. Amanda Garcia has over a decade of experience as a Jewish communal professional as well as leadership roles on several boards including the Bureau of Jewish Education,...

JCRC quoted in AZ Mirror

JCRC quoted in AZ Mirror

"Paul Rockower, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix, told the Mirror in a statement that his organization grieves for the loss of innocent lives and would support calls for a cease-fire only if all parties in the conflict...

Joining the Fight to Protect Human Rights

Joining the Fight to Protect Human Rights

"During my time at the JCRC, I have been able to work on projects that have affected me on a personal level and that I feel passionately about. I’ve helped pass legislation to protect some of the most vulnerable and marginalized religious communities in the state of...

Denouncing Rep. Gosar’s Neo-Nazi connections

Denouncing Rep. Gosar’s Neo-Nazi connections

"It’s neither shocking nor surprising that Rep. Gosar would employ an anti-Semitic, racist staffer in his congressional office," said Alan Zeichick, board chairman for the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix in a written statement. "Rep. Gosar...

Remarks for the Maricopa County Branch NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner

Remarks for the Maricopa County Branch NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner

JCRC Executive Director Paul Rockower was invited to give remarks on behalf of the Jewish Community of Greater Phoenix to the Maricopa County Branch NAACP for its annual Freedom Fund Dinner and Community Awards program, "Defining Truth in Our Democracy" These were...

Meet the Press: SB1713

Meet the Press: SB1713

JCRC Executive Director/AFN Board Member Paul Rockower and Arizona Faith Network Executive Committee Member Rev. Gerald Richard were guests on Arizona PBS' AZ Horizon program to discuss SB1713, the state-based nonprofit security grant program to help...

Calling out Congressman Paul Gosar

Calling out Congressman Paul Gosar

“Congressman Gosar continues to show us exactly who he is and what he stands for. The man has no shame, and remains a stain on Arizona’s political landscape.” -Paul Rockower, executive director for the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix, Following...

AZ State Nonprofit Security Grant Program (SB1713) Passes AZ Senate

AZ State Nonprofit Security Grant Program (SB1713) Passes AZ Senate

The Arizona Nonprofit Security Grant Program (SB1713), sponsored by AZ State Senator David Gowan and supported by the Arizona Faith Network, passed the Arizona State Senate today in bipartisan fashion. We thank Senator Gowan for his leadership on this vital bill. The...

Welcoming New Communications & Public Diplomacy Fellow

Welcoming New Communications & Public Diplomacy Fellow

The JCRC is pleased to welcome Zillah al-Kahiyah as our new Communications and Public Diplomacy Fellow! Zillah had been involved in the technical world, working in STEM. Prior she worked with, and wrote for the Colorado State House of Representatives during the 2019...



“Paul Rockower, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix, said the issue is particularly acute in Arizona, where extremism is more common. For instance, Republican state Rep. Mark Finchem, a secretary of state candidate, and...

Maricopa County NAACP statement on Kanye West

Maricopa County NAACP statement on Kanye West

The JCRC thanks the Maricopa County Branch NAACP for its condemnation of Kanye West’s repeated antisemitism. Their statement was profound and meaningful. It is gratifying that stalwart friends in the African American community stand with us against hate and...

Elections ’22

Elections ’22

The JCRC has been quoted recently in a few articles on antisemitism around the 2022 Fall elections.  See the Jewish News piece on antisemitism among certain Arizona candidates and officeholders, and the Jewish Insider piece on the Jewish community and the AZ...

JCRC Statement on Mark Finchem’s use of antisemitic tropes

JCRC Statement on Mark Finchem’s use of antisemitic tropes

Following Arizona Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem's use of antisemitic tropes on twitter around Michael Bloomberg and George Soros, the JCRC put out the following tweet response: @RealMarkFinchem: your reliance on #antisemitic tropes to spearhead your...