The Jewish Community Relations Council was honored to take part in the African American Christian Clergy Coalition’s Press Conference on protecting the right to vote in Arizona. These are ExecDir Paul Rockower’s remarks:
Shalom, my name is Paul Rockower, I am the Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix. We are a proud Board Member of the Arizona Faith Network.
In Judaism, we are taught: Tzedek, tzedek tirdof.
Justice, justice you shall pursue.
It is in the pursuit of justice, we are gathered here today.
The Jewish community cannot stand idly by while there are those who seek to disenfranchise our neighbors. We cannot stand idly by while there are those who seek to restrict our sacred right to vote freely and fairly here in Arizona, and across the nation.
Arizona’s election system has been a beacon for the nation of how to run elections freely, fairly and safely, and now they seek to diminish that light.
The JCRC was proud to sign on in support of HR1/S1, the For the People Act, the John Lewis Act (He of blessed memory), alongside 90 other Jewish organizations across the country.
We, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix, will continue to pursue justice, in the protection of access to the ballot box for all communities in Arizona, and throughout this nation.
We urge our Arizona Senatorial leadership to carry forward that pursuit of justice with their support of HR1/S1.

Photo courtesy of AACCC