The JCRC was heavily involved in countering the neo-Nazi rally that took place on April 17, 2021. Thankfully, it all passed peacefully and uneventfully. Barely a dozen neo-Nazis came out, and the counter-protest against them was measured. Nothing escalated, and the rally ended quietly with the neo-Nazis departing from the city without gaining their goal of attention or significant coverage. Given how precarious this situation could have been, this represents quite a victory against hate.
Throughout this whole affair, the Jewish Community Relations Council, and the whole Jewish community, were deeply supported by the different faith and ethnic communities surrounding us in the Valley of the Sun.
The JCRC was grateful for the support of the Phoenix Police Department, Department of Public Safety, Scottsdale PD, and other law-enforcement agencies for their professionalism and sensitivity in handling this event, and in providing extra security for Jewish institutions.
We must also recognize Cure Violence Global and the ASU Public Safety Innovation Lab for lending their expertise.
Read more in AZ Mirror, Jewish News